How Artificial Intelligence is Emerging as a Growing Threat on Social Media

How Artificial Intelligence is Emerging as a Growing Threat on Social Media

How Artificial Intelligence is Emerging as a Growing Threat on Social Media

/ Explore the rising threats of AI on social media in 2023: fake content, scams, and political manipulation. Learn how to stay safe online.

By Nilesh Badwar.

Date: 20 Oct 2023. 17:32 PM IST

In the waning days of 2023, the world finds itself at the cusp of a future where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a ubiquitous force, influencing almost every aspect of our lives. As humanity continues to embrace AI technology, there is a concerning development that has captured the attention of both experts and the general public – the rise of AI-driven threats on social media. In this article, we will explore in depth the challenges posed by AI on social platforms, and delve into the various facets of this growing threat.

The Dark Side of AI on Social Media

The widespread adoption of AI has brought about significant progress and convenience in many areas of life. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that as AI becomes more sophisticated, it also becomes a double-edged sword. The capabilities of AI are increasingly being harnessed by malevolent actors who are exploiting these technologies to create fake content with the potential to deceive and harm unsuspecting users on social media.

Fake Images, Voiceovers, and Videos

One of the most concerning AI-driven threats on social media is the generation of fake images, voiceovers, and videos. Scammers and cybercriminals have begun employing highly advanced AI models that can fabricate content with striking realism. These fake visuals and audio clips are used for a wide range of malicious purposes, including blackmail, extortion, and identity theft.

Fake images can portray individuals in compromising or incriminating situations, leading to devastating consequences for the targeted victims. Fake voiceovers and videos can convincingly impersonate public figures or manipulate audio recordings, causing distrust and confusion among the general public.

The ability to generate these deceptive media assets with such precision challenges the very notion of authenticity and raises alarming concerns about the potential consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

The Disturbing Proliferation of Adult Content

Among the most disconcerting applications of AI on social media is the creation and dissemination of adult content. Scammers and fraudsters are exploiting powerful deep learning models to craft explicit material that is used to deceive and defraud innocent individuals. This goes beyond being a mere nuisance or ethical concern; it poses real-world threats to individuals’ privacy, reputation, and emotional well-being.

Political Manipulation and Misinformation

India, in particular, has been a prominent example of how AI is being misused on social media platforms. The phenomenon of fake AI-generated videos and audios featuring influential political figures, such as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has gained significant notoriety. These manipulated digital assets are widely propagated, often with the intent of sowing discord, spreading disinformation, and polarizing society.

This misuse of AI technology has the potential to erode trust in genuine news and information sources, leading to political unrest and societal division. It underscores the importance of safeguarding the integrity of our digital information landscape.

Monetizing the Dark Side of AI

The allure of AI’s increasing accessibility is that it offers lucrative opportunities to those willing to exploit its capabilities for financial gain. Many individuals and organized groups are harnessing the disadvantages of AI for monetary purposes. Their activities include participating in various illegal activities and scams that jeopardize the safety and security of users across social media.

The Proliferation of AI Tools

Compounding the issue is the ease with which individuals can access AI tools that facilitate the creation of deceptive content. The internet is replete with readily available tools, many of which require no technical expertise. These tools have effectively democratized the ability to create AI-generated content within minutes.

The widespread availability of such tools only exacerbates the challenges posed by AI-driven threats on social media. It provides even the least tech-savvy individuals with the means to engage in malicious activities.

Addressing the Threat of AI on Social Media

Recognizing the growing threat of AI on social media is only the first step. To address this issue effectively, a multifaceted approach is required:

  1. Education and Awareness: Educating social media users about the existence of AI-driven threats is essential. Users should be equipped with the knowledge to identify and report potentially fake or harmful content.
  2. Algorithmic Detection: Social media platforms should invest in advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to detect and flag potentially harmful or fake content.
  3. Verification and Authentication: Implementing mechanisms for verifying the authenticity of media content, such as images and videos, can help users distinguish between genuine and fake content.
  4. Stricter Regulation: Governments and regulatory bodies must consider the development of stringent laws and regulations targeting those who exploit AI for malicious purposes.
  5. Collaboration: Collaboration between governments, technology companies, and law enforcement agencies is crucial to developing effective strategies to combat AI-driven threats on social media.
  6. Ethical AI: Researchers and developers should be encouraged to focus on ethical AI, considering the potential misuse of their creations and striving for a balance between technological advancement and responsible innovation.
  7. User Responsibility: Social media users also bear some responsibility. They should exercise critical thinking and skepticism when encountering content that seems too good to be true or that plays on emotions.


The advancement of AI is an incredible achievement, offering immense potential for societal progress and innovation. However, it is imperative that we remain cognizant of the challenges it presents, especially on social media. The rise of AI-driven threats is a clear reminder that as technology evolves, so too do the means of exploitation.

As we stand at the threshold of this AI-driven future, it is essential for users, platforms, and governments to work collaboratively in order to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating the dangers it poses in the digital landscape. Only through vigilance, education, and responsible AI development can we maintain trust, security, and authenticity in our online interactions.

Number Of Threads Users (December 2023)

Number Of Threads Users (December 2023)


/ Threads Users Insights: Explore the rapid rise, slowdown, and most-followed accounts on Threads, Meta’s social platform with 132 million users.

By Nilesh Badwar.

Date: 23 Dec 2023 11:41 AM IST

Meta‘s new social media platform, Threads, made headlines for its record-breaking launch. In December 2023, Threads has achieved remarkable growth, but it appears that its rapid ascent has experienced a significant slowdown. Let’s take a closer look at the numbers and insights into this platform’s journey.

How Many Threads Users Are There?

As of December 2023, Threads boasts an impressive 160 million users. However, its growth rate has noticeably increased in recent months. The platform achieved a monumental milestone by reaching 100 million users in just four days and six hours after its launch. Two months prior, in August, Threads had 124 million users.

Comparatively, ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence language model, set a record by reaching the 100 million user mark but took a more prolonged period of two months to achieve this feat.

Here is a summary of the timeline of Threads’ total users, tracked by Quiver Quantitative:

Total UsersDate
1 million usersJuly 6
5 million usersJuly 6
10 million usersJuly 6
50 million usersJuly 6
75 million usersJuly 7
100 million usersJuly 10
125 million usersAugust 19
132 million usersSeptember 19
137 millionNovember 5
160 millionDecember 19

Source: Quiver Quantitative

Threads User Growth

Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s CEO, revealed that Threads gained a staggering 70 million users within just 48 hours of its launch. This remarkable achievement has solidified Threads as the fastest-growing social network in history by a significant margin. Previously, ChatGPT held the record, but it took them five days to reach this milestone.

Threads’ rapid growth extended to other user milestones as well. The platform reached one million active users within just one hour and 10 million users in seven hours. This stands in stark contrast to ChatGPT, which took 40 days to reach the same number.

To provide further context, here’s a comparison of how long it took some of the world’s most prominent online service brands to reach 1 million and 10 million users compared to Threads:

Online ServiceLaunch YearTime to 1 Million UsersTime to 10 Million Users
Threads20231 hour7 hours
ChatGPT20225 days40 days
Instagram20102.5 months355 days
Facebook200410 months852 days
Twitter20062 years780 days

Source: Statista

Threads User Activity

Upon Threads’ launch on July 6, the platform recorded a remarkable 41.79 million daily active users. This number experienced a slight increase to 49.3 million on July 7. However, the picture took a turn when, on July 14, Threads saw a sharp decline in daily active users to 23.6 million, signifying a 52% drop in just one week.

August data showed further deterioration in Threads’ user activity, with the platform currently hosting only 10.3 million daily active users, a decline of over 79% since the peak of its popularity. This decline is not limited to user numbers but also extends to the time spent on the app, with users spending an average of 21 minutes daily on the platform as of July 7.

Source: Similarweb

Most Followed Threads Accounts

In the world of Threads, Neymar, the football star, reigns as the most-followed account with a substantial following of 9.8 million. He holds this distinction, surpassing even Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg in his quest for followers.

Here are the top ten most-followed accounts on Threads as of October 2023:

Certainly, here is a column displaying the follower counts for the top ten most-followed Threads accounts as of December 2023:

Most Followed Threads Accounts (Followers – December 2023)
Neymar: 11.7 million followers
Selena Gomez: 11 million followers
Kylie Jenner: 9.5 million followers
Kim Kardashian: 8.3 million followers
Mr. Beast: 6.5 million followers
Jennifer Lopez: 6.5 million followers
Shakira: 6.2 million followers
Will Smith: 5.9 million followers
Chris Hemsworth: 5.5 million followers
Khloe Kardashian: 5.5 million followers

New Feature of Edit Option on Threads

Threads by Instagram has introduced a new feature that allows users to edit their posts for a limited time, free of charge. This microblogging platform, positioned as an X/Twitter alternative, empowers users to make edits within the first five minutes of their post going live. To access this feature, users need to click on the kebab menu icon in the top right corner, where they will find options to edit their post, control who can reply, and even hide the number of likes.

Source: TheIndianExpress

In conclusion, Threads’ journey has been marked by an extraordinary rise in user numbers, setting records and eclipsing even the fastest-growing platforms in history. However, it has also faced challenges with a significant drop in user activity and engagement in the months following its launch. The new editing feature is a promising addition, demonstrating Threads’ commitment to evolving its user experience. The future remains uncertain, but Threads continues to be a platform worth watching in the dynamic world of social media.